Here is my approach of the French family law :

First of all, listen carefully and identify the issue of each client in details, not avoiding any questions, even serious matters, carry out an in-depth investigation of the texts in order to highlight the elements useful for a reliable, secure and balanced resolution of the situation, propose a range of relevant solutions that allow the client to choose the best option for himself and for his family.

Être conseillé dans le cadre d'une union de deux personnes de même sexe ou d'un mariage homosexuel. Choisir le régiome matrimonial le plus protecteur pour un couple homosexuel ou deux personnes de même sexe.

My advice whatever your union

Marriage, Pacs, cohabitation, divorce… In each case, there is a legal frame ensuring the protection of the assets of both parties involved, preserving the interests of each one in case of conflict and promoting a calm, human and balanced resolution. As a notary and as a lawyer, I can bring you my support in all the scope of application of the family law and in the choice of matrimonial regime and its liquidation in case of divorce.

My legal assistance for your union

Choose the adapted matrimonial regime to any situation (legal regime of the assets community, universal community, separation of the assets…)

  • Advice you to do the right choice of union : marriage or a pacs
  • Be aware of the obligations and the impacts of the marriage
  • Change the matrimonial regime
  • Wind up the matrimonial regime
Protéger les liens de parenté et la filiation, dans le cadre d'une procédure d'adoption, protéger le droit des grands-parents, connaître le cadre légal de l'autorité parentale.

Yours questions in filiation

This specific topic part of family law aims to protect the family relationship and defines the legal relationships between parents and children.
The legal advice is related to adoption matters, parents authority, grand fathers rights…Again, it is a question of protection of parties and to maintain a balanced filiation relationship.

Prévoir sa succession, identifier ses héritiers par la dévolution successorale, protéger ses descendants par un testament, une donation, un leg ou une assurance vie.

Your succession

To ensure the succession you wish, to avoid this responsibility for the heirs and any family conflicts, I provide you my advice for the preparation of an estate planning (make a statement of all assets, organize the sharing…).

My advice for the benefit of your succession

  • Identify the heirs
  • Understand the benefit and the consequences of a will, a donation, a leg, a health insurance,

-Wind up the succession

  • Optimize a property transfer in order to secure your spouse or your children on both civil and fiscal sides

My added value


Notary for 17 years, lawyer and mediator since 2020, your consultant has been working on a number of mandates, for a transversal vision of legal texts.


fluently trilingual, your consultant is fluent in three languages, masters O.V. texts and interacts with your clients without filtering.


can be mobilised according to needs, to act more efficiently and reactively.


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